2023.11 | Chengdu Gwatt Technology Co., Ltd. Participated In APEC Tech Exhibition

On November 9, 2023, the 12th APEC Small and Medium sized Enterprise Technology Exchange and Exhibition (APEC Technology Exhibition) kicked off in Qingdao. The APEC Technology Exhibition is an important cooperation project carried out under the APEC framework, aiming to build a platform for new technologies, new products, new models to display, trade, exchange, and cooperate with APEC member economies, and promote technological exchange and economic and trade cooperation among small and medium sized enterprises in APEC member economies, deepen practical cooperation in the field of small and medium-sized enterprises, help them integrate into the global value chain, improve sustainable development capabilities and international competitiveness.

With the theme of "Green Development, Digital Empowerment, Integration, Innovation and Win-win Cooperation", the 12th APEC Technology Fair attracted 17 APEC member economies and 19 countries jointly building the "the Belt and Road".

The APEC Technical Exhibition set up a total of 5 exhibition areas to promote precise docking and negotiation of transactions between "specialized, refined, and innovative" enterprises in various provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government) and domestic and foreign buyers across the country. A total of 5 exhibition areas have been gathered, including equipment manufacturing, electronic information, new materials and energy, consumer goods, and industrial services. The lineup is strong, including 384 "specialized, refined, and new" small giant enterprises and 574 provincial-level "specialized, refined, and new" small and medium-sized enterprises among 1621 participating enterprises. Chengdu Gwatt Technology Co., Ltd. participated in this grand event as a member of the Sichuan Provincial delegation.

Technical exchange and economic and trade cooperation are the themes of the APEC exhibition. During this exhibition, the latest high-tech products will undoubtedly be presented. For enterprises, this large-scale and high-energy exhibition can not only compete with domestic and foreign peers, learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, but also have in-depth exchanges with experts and scholars to understand the latest technological trends, industrial development trends, and policy paths.

Chengdu Gwatt Technology Co., Ltd. made a brilliant debut at this exhibition with its self-developed series of new products, which received widespread attention from industry professionals and attracted many experts and customers from professional fields to come for consultation and negotiation.


Wishing the 12th APEC Exhibition a success, we hope that Chengdu Gwatt Technology Co., Ltd. can learn and exchange with various participating enterprises, gain insight into the latest development trends and trends in the industry, seek cooperation opportunities between chains, and obtain more development resources and channels, making new breakthroughs in international cooperation.